We fundamentally believe in the DEVELOPMENT of the WHOLE PERSON and their individual needs to be THE BEST THEY CAN BE

School Login

This is your intelligent login system

Logins are evolving and to simplify the process of accessing your website and improving security we have taken the lead in creating a simplified yet secure 2 factor authentication model. The model does not require you to remember a password but requires you to receive a link to your registered email which is then used to access the secure areas of the website.

Please enter your email address below and then check your inbox.

Alternate Login

We make every effort to send clean emails but sometimes they may still end up in junk or other.

Click here for more information


Your iTCHYROBOT Website

Your site has been built by iTCHYROBOT. We manage and look after all of the systems that work in the background to keep your site ticking along.

If you ever have any questions or need support please get in touch by support@itchyrobot.co.uk

Our iTCHYROBOT blog is another great resource for anyone looking for information, it has guides on using your website to its potential, recording videos and how to work with troublesome file issues.