We fundamentally believe in the DEVELOPMENT of the WHOLE PERSON and their individual needs to be THE BEST THEY CAN BE

Staff Survey

Staff Survey
1. Management level/role (Leave blank if you are worried this would identify you)
2. Were you working at this school when it was last inspected?
3. Do you think this school has improved since it was last inspected?
4. I am proud to be a member of staff at this school
5. Students are safe at this school
6. Staff consistently manage the behaviour of students well
7. The students’ behaviour is at least good at this school
8. Leaders support staff well in managing behaviour
9. The school deals with any cases of bullying of students effectively (bullying includes persistent name-calling, online or prejudice-based bullying)
10. Leaders use professional development to encourage, challenge and support teachers’ improvement
11. Leaders do all they can to ensure the school has a motivated, respected and effective teaching staff
12. Leaders have created a climate in which teachers are trusted to take risks and innovate in ways that are right for the students
13. This school has a culture that encourages calm and orderly conduct and is aspirational for all students
14. The school challenges all students to make at least good progress
15. This school is well led and managed
17. Leaders and managers take workload into account when developing and implementing policies and procedures so as to avoid placing unnecessary burdens on staff.
18. I feel well supported working in this school
19. All staff are treated fairly and with respect at this school
20. Leaders and managers are considerate of my well-being
21. I enjoy working at this school