We fundamentally believe in the DEVELOPMENT of the WHOLE PERSON and their individual needs to be THE BEST THEY CAN BE

Policies & Procedures

Policies & ProceduresDownload
Anti Bullying PolicyDownload
Attendance PolicyDownload
Emergency Evacuation Procedure for ExaminationsDownload
Equality Information and ObjectivesDownload
Freedom of Information PolicyDownload
ICT and Internet Acceptable Use PolicyDownload
Privacy Notice for StudentsDownload
Pupil Premium StrategyDownload
Relationships PolicyDownload
Suspension and Permanent Exclusion PolicyDownload
Accessibility PlanDownload
Behaviour PolicyDownload
Careers PolicyDownload
Charging and Remissions PolicyDownload
Child Protection and Safeguarding PolicyDownload
Complaints PolicyDownload
Data Protection PolicyDownload
Exam Contingency PlanDownload
Privacy Notice for GovernorsDownload
Privacy Notice for Parents and CarersDownload
Privacy Notice for StaffDownload
Privacy Notice for VisitorsDownload
Provider Access Provider PolicyDownload
Relationships and Sex Education PolicyDownload
Supporting Students with Medical Conditions PolicyDownload
Remote Learning PolicyDownload
SEND PolicyDownload
SEN Information ReportDownload