We fundamentally believe in the DEVELOPMENT of the WHOLE PERSON and their individual needs to be THE BEST THEY CAN BE


Admission to Rise Carr College is usually via the Vulnerable Pupil Panel which meets three weekly in term time. The panel consists of representatives from Rise Carr College, Virtual School, Educational Psychology, the Police, CAMHS and the local authority as well as representatives from mainstream schools and academies (both primary and secondary). When considering a placement the panel must consider the steps that the home school has taken in order to meet the needs of the young person in a mainstream setting and how effective these have been. The panel must also consider the appropriateness of the placement and how this may impact on existing learners.  

The Headteacher will ensure that the school meets its obligations in discharging the Local Authority’s statutory duties with regard to Section 19 of the 1986 Education act (the full– time education of permanently excluded pupils).